Save $30 on a Google Nest Thermostat

Google Nest Thermostat Feautred

You understandably want to keep your home cool in these summer months but also don’t want to pay high costs to run your air conditioning constantly. You don’t have to worry, though, as you can have the Google Nest Thermostat keep an eye on things. It will help you save on energy costs while still keeping your home cool. Add to that a $30 discount, and it’s hard to argue against buying one when the savings will continue on in your energy bill month after month.

The smart thermostat is ENERGY STAR-certified to help you save energy while still keeping you comfortable at your desired temperature – meaning no more sweaty, sticky days (and no more chilly ones either). The thermostat will turn itself down or up when you leave so that you won’t be wasting energy – or money – cooling or heating your home when no one is there.

Google Nest Thermostat Installation

You can also program heating and cooling with a schedule so that it works best with your family’s schedule. The Savings Finder will search for other ways the Google Nest Thermostat can help you save, suggest changes to your schedule, and check with your energy provider for rebates and other ways to save.

You or your family members can change the temperature remotely via phone, PC, or tablet. You’ll be able to turn the temperature down on your way home from work so that you can just come inside, collapse, and relax in comfort. HVAC monitoring will send you an alert if something doesn’t seem right and send you maintenance reminders.

The smart thermostat is designed to work without a C wire. Yet, you may need a C wire or other compatible power accessory for some heating, cooling, zone control, and heat pump systems.

Save $30 on this smart thermostat in the Sand, Fog, Snow, or Charcoal color and pay just $99.99.

Google Nest Thermostat

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Laura Tucker
Laura Tucker

Laura has spent nearly 20 years writing news, reviews, and op-eds, with more than 10 of those years as an editor as well. She has exclusively used Apple products for the past three decades. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, she also runs the site's sponsored review program.

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