Google Chrome Can Now Detect URL Typos

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Entering a URL for a specific website is so easy for most Internet users that the simple action is often taken for granted. But not everybody has the mobility or capability to do so and can find it challenging, especially on devices with small text or address bars. Google is assisting those with accessibility limitations by making several changes to the Chrome browser, including checking for URL typos.

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Making Browsing Easier

There are generally two ways to navigate to a website: manually enter the complete URL or enter the website’s name into the address bar to search for it. The latter is easier, but it also leaves you vulnerable to clicking on a fake website that looks similar to the authentic one. Inputting the URL directly into the address bar is the safest route, but if you mistype something, you could land on a completely different website.

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Image source: Unsplash

To prevent this from happening, Google introduced a few changes to its Chrome browser, including the ability to spellcheck a website’s URL. When Chrome thinks there could be a typo, it will suggest websites based on the corrections.

“This increases accessibility for people with dyslexia, language learners, and anyone who makes typos by making it easier to get to previously visited websites despite spelling errors,” Google explained in a blog post.

The URL typo checker is initially available for Chrome on desktop computers, but the function will roll out for mobile phones soon.

As part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Google also released an update for Live Caption, which uses artificial intelligence to provide real-time captions for any sound produced on your Android phone. Similar to the way Apple’s iPhone can speak for you during calls, Google’s Live Caption lets you “type back responses during calls and have the response read aloud to the other caller.”

Tip: if you need added security on your device, learn how to create Passkeys with Google.

Image credit: Unsplash

Charlie Fripp
Charlie Fripp

Charlie Fripp is a technology writer with a strong focus on consumer gadgets, video games, and cyber security. He holds an undergraduate degree in professional journalism and has worked as a journalist for over 15 years. In his spare time, he enjoys playing various musical instruments and gardening.

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