Comments on: What Is Wayland and What Does It Mean for Linux Users? Uncomplicating the complicated, making life easier Wed, 24 May 2023 13:33:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Miguel Leiva-Gomez Wed, 24 May 2023 13:33:28 +0000 In reply to Jay Sanders.

The short answer to your question is “no.” Wayland has proven to require a lot of workarounds to work with native X applications that still draw their interfaces using the old protocol. XWayland is something I wouldn’t call technically “mature” in the purest sense of the word because it cannot fully accomplish its mission.

For example, overlays on some videogames that require X protocol to work correctly might not work at all in Wayland under XWayland.

However, a remarkable amount of progress has been made in recent months and all I have to say about that is “watch this space.” At least have the Wayland packages available to you that are relevant to your desktop environment, so that you can test it once in awhile. Who knows? Maybe everything you specifically want to do, you can already do (that’s the case with me, save for one single thing which is the overlay issue I mentioned earlier).

Don’t forget, the people working on Wayland right now are the same people who worked on X. The reason they’re starting over is because it’s a lot easier than fixing something that was designed to run on single-display computers where the monitor is attached to the chassis.

Tl;dr: If it’s not good enough for your specific use case now, it’ll get better by leaps and bounds shortly (source: I’ve been tracking the merges and even submitting some of my own code as well :P ). In the meantime, X is not going anywhere in the next few years although a lot of distros are starting to neglect supporting it over time.

By: Jay Sanders Wed, 24 May 2023 13:10:00 +0000 Can Wayland already do everything – everything – that X does, and last as well as X does it, on ordinary platforms? For many of us, that’s the only consideration: while we are happy that some know about the internal details and how to make the whole thing work, we just want to be able to do what we currently are able to do with X, and we will welcome new user-visible features and capabilities. We will not welcome losing features and capabilities nor having to test Wayland. And, quite frankly, the vast majority of of do not give a damn what happens under the wraps.

By: Peter Teuben Sun, 21 May 2023 21:40:24 +0000 I keep trying wayland from time to time, each time getting frustrated with seemingly simple things that just don’t work…. my latest frustration is copy and paste. In zoom I cannot right click in the chat box to paste something back, and the classic X window left click select and middle mouse paste doesn’t work there either. Perhaps zoom is not adhering to some standard, but stuff like this is just important.
