LibreOffice Writer Keyboard Shortcuts

Libreoffice Writer Cheatsheet 00 Featured Image

LibreOffice Writer is a free, open-source word processor that helps you easily create documents in Linux, Windows, or macOS. Similar to its proprietary counterparts, LibreOffice Writer allows you to create both simple compositions and complex formatting such as adding custom colors to your documents.

LibreOffice Writer Keyboard Shortcuts Download

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Essential LibreOffice Writer Keyboard Shortcuts

By default, LibreOffice Writer provides a variety of keyboard shortcuts that enables you to quickly access its powerful features. For example, the word processor has a set of keybindings that can manipulate paragraph arrangement, as well as embed videos within the document.

This cheatsheet gives you all necessary keybindings for LibreOffice Writer. Furthermore, it also helps you utilize some of the word processor’s lesser-known features.

File Manipulation
Ctrl + NCommand + NCreate a new LibreOffice Writer document.
Ctrl + OCommand + OOpen an existing LibreOffice Writer document.
Ctrl + SCommand + SSave the current LibreOffice Writer document.
Ctrl + F4Command + F4Close the current LibreOffice Writer document.
F6F6Switch focus on the next internal window.
Shift + F6Shift + F6Switch focus on the previous internal window.
Ctrl + PCommand + POpen the Print dialog menu.
Interface Manipulation
Ctrl + Shift + JCommand + Shift + JSwitch between fullscreen and windowed mode.
Ctrl + Shift + RCommand + Shift + RRender the current document again.
Ctrl + Shift + ICommand + Shift + IToggle the cursor in Read Only documents.
F2F2Enable the Formula toolbar.
F3F3Enable text auto-completion.
Ctrl + F3Command + F3Edit the current auto-complete suggestion.
F5F5Open the Document Navigator.
F7F7Open the Spellchecking Window.
Ctrl + F7Command + F7Open the Thesaurus Window.
F11F11Open the Document Style Window.
F10F10Open the first item in the Menu Bar.
Shift + F10Shift + F10Open the Context Menu.
Ctrl + QCommand + QExit the LibreOffice Writer program.
Help Menu
F1F1Open the Built-in Libreoffice Help System.
Shift + F1Shift + F1Open the Help System entry for the current mode.
Shift + F2Shift + F2Reopen the Tips menu.
Navigation and Selection
Left ArrowLeft ArrowMove the cursor one character to the left.
Right ArrowRight ArrowMove the cursor one character to the right.
Up ArrowUp ArrowMove the cursor one line up.
Down ArrowDown ArrowMove the cursor one line down.
Ctrl + Left ArrowCommand + Left ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the current word.
Ctrl + Right ArrowCommand + Right ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the next word.
Ctrl + Up ArrowCommand + Up ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + Down ArrowCommand + Down ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the next paragraph.
Shift + Left ArrowShift + Left ArrowMove the cursor one character to the left and select it.
Shift + Right ArrowShift + Right ArrowMove the cursor one character to the right and select it.
Shift + Up ArrowShift + Up ArrowMove the cursor one line up and select everything in between.
Shift + Down ArrowShift + Down ArrowMove the cursor one line down and select everything in between.
Ctrl + Shift + Left ArrowCommand + Shift + Left ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the current word and select it.
Ctrl + Shift + Right ArrowCommand + Shift + Right ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the next word and select it.
Ctrl + Shift + Up ArrowCommand + Shift + Up ArrowSelect the entire current paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + Down ArrowCommand + Shift + Down ArrowSelect the entire next paragraph.
HomeMove the cursor to the start of the line.
EndMove the cursor to the end of the line.
Shift + HomeMove the cursor to the start of the line and select it.
Shift + EndMove the cursor to the end of the line and select it.
Ctrl + HomeGo to the start of the document.
Ctrl + EndGo to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Shift + HomeGo to the start of the document and select all the text in between.
Ctrl + Shift + EndGo to the end of the document and select all the text in between.
Document Editing
Ctrl + Shift + VCommand + Shift + VPaste the contents of the clipboard with formatting.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + VCommand + Option + Shift + VPaste the contents of the clipboard as plain text.
Ctrl + ZCommand + ZUndo the last change to the document.
Ctrl + YCommand + YRedo the last change to the document.
BackspaceBackspaceDelete the character to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl + BackspaceCommand + BackspaceDelete the entire word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl + DelDelete the entire word to the right of the cursor.
Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceCommand + Shift + BackspaceDelete the entire sentence to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl + Shift + DelDelete the entire sentence to the right of the cursor.
Document Formatting
Shift + F11Shift + F11Create a new document style.
Ctrl + ICommand + IItalicize the current text selection.
Ctrl + UCommand + UUnderline the current text selection.
Ctrl + BCommand + BTurn the current text selection to Bold.
Ctrl + Shift + PCommand + Shift + PTurn the current text selection to Superscript.
Ctrl + Shift + BCommand + Shift + BTurn the current text selection to Subscript.
Ctrl + MCommand + MRemove any style and formatting to the current text selection.
Ctrl + JCommand + JJustify the current paragraph.
Ctrl + LCommand + LAlign the current paragraph to the left.
Ctrl + RCommand + RAlign the current paragraph to the right.
Ctrl + ECommand + ECenter the current paragraph.
Ctrl + 1Command + 1Apply the Heading 1 style using the current theme.
Ctrl + 2Command + 2Apply the Heading 2 style using the current theme.
Ctrl + 3Command + 3Apply the Heading 3 style using the current theme.
Ctrl + 4Command + 4Apply the Heading 4 style using the current theme.
Ctrl + 5Command + 5Apply the Heading 5 style using the current theme.
Ctrl + 0Command + 0Apply the Text Body style using the current theme.
Document Layout
TabTabShift the current heading down a level.
Shift + TabShift + TabShift the current heading up a level.
Ctrl + TabCommand + TabCreate a tab stop at the beginning of the heading.
Ctrl + Alt + Up ArrowCommand + Option + Up ArrowMove the current paragraph up.
Ctrl + Alt + Down ArrowCommand + Option + Down ArrowMove the current paragraph down.
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceCommand + Shift + SpaceCreate a space character that will not expand with formatting.
Shift + EnterShift + EnterCreate a line break without changing the paragraph layout.
Ctrl + Shift + EnterCommand + Shift + EnterBreak a multi-column page layout at the current point.
Ctrl + EnterCommand + EnterCreate a page break.
Ctrl + F10Command + F10Toggle the display of non-printing characters.
Ctrl + F12Command + F12Create a new table.
Ctrl + ACommand + ASelect the current cell.
If it’s empty, select the entire table.
Ctrl + HomeGo to the start of the current cell.
If it’s empty, go to the beginning of the table.
Ctrl + EndGo to the end of the current cell.
If it’s empty, go to the end of the table.
Alt + Left ArrowOption + Left ArrowResize the table to the left by one character.
Alt + Right ArrowOption + Right ArrowResize the table to the right by one character.
Alt + UpOption + UpResize the table by one line up.
Alt + DownOption + DownResize the table by one line down.
Ctrl + Alt + Left ArrowCommand + Option + Left ArrowResize the current cell to the left by one character.
Ctrl + Alt + Right ArrowCommand + Option + Right ArrowResize the current cell to the right by one character.
Ctrl + Alt + UpCommand + Option + UpResize the current cell by one line up.
Ctrl + Alt + DownCommand + Option + DownResize the current cell by one line down.
Figures and Images
Alt + Left ArrowOption + Left ArrowMove the figure one character to the left.
Alt + Right ArrowOption + Right ArrowMove the figure one character to the right.
Alt + UpOption + UpMove the figure one line up.
Alt + DownOption + DownMove the figure one line down.
Ctrl + Alt + Left ArrowCommand + Option + Left ArrowResize the figure to the left by one character.
Ctrl + Alt + Right ArrowCommand + Option + Right ArrowResize the figure to the right by one character.
Ctrl + Alt + Up ArrowCommand + Option + Up ArrowResize the figure by one line up.
Ctrl + Alt + Down ArrowCommand + Option + Down ArrowResize the figure by one line down.
Ctrl + TabCommand + TabCycle through the different toggle modes for the figure.

Image Credit: Unsplash. Alterations by Ramces Red.

Ramces Red
Ramces Red

Ramces is a technology writer that lived with computers all his life. A prolific reader and a student of Anthropology, he is an eccentric character that writes articles about Linux and anything *nix.

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